Cancellation by User: If you decide to cancel your flight booking, please refer to the airline’s cancellation policy. Cancellation fees may apply, and refunds will be subject to the terms and conditions of the respective airline.
Cancellation by Airline: In the event that the airline cancels your flight, you may be eligible for a full refund, or you may have the option to reschedule your flight. We will assist you in understanding your options and facilitate the refund process if applicable.
Booking Errors: If you make a booking error, such as selecting the wrong travel dates or passenger names, please contact our customer support immediately. We will assist you in rectifying the error and processing refunds if possible.
Flight Delays and Cancellations: Compensation for flight delays, cancellations, or other disruptions will be subject to the airline’s policies. We will provide information on your rights and assist in processing claims when applicable.
Timeline: Refunds will be processed as soon as possible after receiving confirmation from the airline. Please allow for processing time, which may vary depending on the airline and payment method.
Payment Method: Refunds will typically be issued to the original payment method used during the booking. If not feasible, alternative payment methods may be used at our discretion.
Some flights, fares, and promotional offers may be non-refundable. It is essential to review the fare conditions and cancellation policies before booking.
All refund requests and inquiries should be directed to our customer support team. We will assist you in coordinating with the airline to process your refund.
We reserve the right to modify this Refund Policy at any time. Updates will be posted on our website, and the effective date will be revised accordingly.
If you have any questions or need further clarification about our Refund Policy, please contact us at
“Journeys now eagerly embarked, skies conquered with joy. Horizons welcomed yet unknown adventures, distances surpassed with ease. Destinations awaited with eager anticipation, memories crafted in flight.”
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